Six Things Sunday

Sunday 6 September 2015

I've wanted to start a weekly feature on the blog since it started but have been waiting to see how the blog was going, what feedback I get and how truly dedicated I can be to keeping it running. I've again had some amazing feedback recently and some new followers which is great so thanks people, you do make working on this little blog so worth while. Due to the confidence boosting feedback, I am working on trying to get a new layout to make it look more professional and friendly so stick with me whilst I work on it. I am also planning more what days I will post on so I don't feel too overwhelmed with making sure I haven't posted or I have posted too much and am running out of things to talk about. I think like any other blogger you can get bogged down with worrying what others are writing about, how much they post and whether your blog should look or feel a certain way but this blog is a way for me to make sure I do more, keep it fun and enjoy talking about things I like or see.
So, Six Things Sunday has become (hopefully) my first weekly feature. Six things because thats my favourite number (and the more positive moments the better) and Sunday because it is the end of the week before a brand new one comes along.
I've been reading in to mindfulness and tips on how to stay positive recently and thought to myself hey, why not have an end of the week review on all things I have got up to, things I've liked, watched or listened to that have made my week and reflex on only the weeks good things. No matter how bad a day or week has been there is always something positive that can come from it no matter how little or big that thing is. Feel free to leave comments on the things you have done this week or if you've done anything the same as me. I do love a good chat about nonsense!

The time arrived this week to finally begin my new job which I can't wait to get my teeth stuck in to. As much as I am (kind of) loving having my training spread out over a few weeks so I can enjoy lie ins (I say that but actually still set my alarm for half 7 - 8 am even if I am not working) I am eager to get a routine going and start meeting new people. The days in between training are not only being used for freelance work, trying to exercise and socialise but also for days which I like to call my "admin days" where I plan blog posts, sort out emails, read blogs and file things away. I like to think I am important you see!

Don't you just love that satisfaction when you finish a good book? I can't explain it but I basically just  want to tell anyone that will listen how I, like millions of others, has managed to finish a book. When it gets down to the last 100 pages I can't help but sit there until it is finished and reflex on the ending. I've just finished The Girl On The Train by Paula Hawkins so keep you eyes open for my book review coming soon. My next read will be The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton.
It is handy having a commute to work now so I can spend the time reading as I do love a good book. I've also been trying to make a point this week of spending 15 - 30 minutes before I go to sleep reading rather than being on my phone or laptop to help me relax. Some nights have been a fail because I've been busy blogging or wasting time on Pinterest researching, but the nights I read I manage to relax and sleep better than the nights I spend on social media. Does this work for you too?

It has been great to spend more time with my family, to get to see my grand parents (who are still as hilarious as ever) and spend time playing and walking with the family dog who, it seems, is my best buddy and won't leave me alone which is cute really because I cannot resist her puppy eyes when she wants to spend time with me. But, most excitedly, my little nephew has finally come home from hospital. I can't wait for squeezes with him and to play stupid toy games with my new little pal! I'm all up for being an Auntie until nappy change or feeds are needed and then I'm otherwise engaged!

Firstly, I cannot stop having Friends on in the background when doing work. Thanks Comedy Central for putting on complete seasons for most of the day. Secondly, I have loved catching up with my friends back home recently which has meant combining a number of activities including enjoying roast dinners, wine, pudding, make up buying trips, eating breakfast out and exercise classes. I'm also making sure I email or texts friends for a catchup and make more meet up arrangements.

I took it open upon myself to approach the design company I freelance for with a new theme I wanted to design from and presented them with a mood board I created. I do love creating mood boards and could spend hours doing so, if you have ever visited my textile blog you'll probably see what I mean. I received some great feedback about my presentation and the theme itself so have got stuck in to designing. This will be the last collection I can do for them before the big trade show, Premiere Vision, kicks off in Paris later this month. Fingers crossed we get some success!

Since starting the blog I have made quite a few wish lists/inspiration posts including my Fashion Autumn Wishlist, Homeware Inspiration and Office Inspiration. I wanted to create wish lists about things I truly needed or wanted to get when it came fashion and homeware to make myself look and feel better and jazz up my room a little. So far, so good!
From my Fashion Autumn Wishlist I have already purchased the Revlon Colourburst Matt Balm in Striking and the Essie Nail Polish in Bordeaux. I just need to work on getting the coat and converses. I haven't got anything as of yet from the Homeware Inspiration list, but this weekend finally managed to purchase a new desk after being inspired by the Office post and desperately needing a new desk. I purchased a simple Ikea one that offers me more space and the availably to have my Roberts radio, No.7 mirror, candles and many of my Paperchase notebooks around me rather than scattered in random piles everywhere. I will be glad to start working at my new desk which I will slowly add pieces to or change the layout over the coming months.

One final note is I keep getting people ask me how they can follow the blog and there are a few ways you can if you wish via Bloglovin'Facebook or on my Twitter which is @Lisa_Jayne92 where I also tweet about my posts from my textile blog.

- Speak soon, LJ X

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