Fashion // The Pinafore Club

Sunday 30 August 2015

I want to join the Pinafore Club please! After doing some research for my textile blog I realised I am seeing pinafores everywhere at the moment and think I need to add one to my wardrobe soon but just need to work out if I want a denim or coloured corduroy one, although I think I would wear a denim one more and wear it in summer also. There so many ways you can were these as illustrated in fashion magazines and high street store websites such as Topshop, Zara and ASOS. From a stripy top, a patterned shirt or a simple plain white tee it is very easy to wear and looks casual but cool. From researching the internet and Pinterest it is also something that can be worn as a more formal piece with minimal effort and something with a high heel. I, however, would keep it casual with either a stripy top or a shirt with tights and my Doc Martins (I definitely like to think I am cool). I think it is best to invest in one that really catches your eye because these tend to work for summer also because you can wear them with a simple tee or oversized tank top (like in 3 and 4). I am sure as we get further in to Autumn and Winter there will be more variation in styles and colours about and layering them will become key to nailing the look. I feel like they don't need too much work to wear and can be a cosy and easy outfit for shopping day trips or a key piece for a fashion look book.

How would or do you wear yours?

- Speak soon, Lisa Jayne X

8 Signs of Summer

Friday 28 August 2015

Summer for me is officially over now that the Bank Holiday weekend is upon us! I see sun but I don't feel warmth unless I'm under my duvet cocooned in with some laptop time. So, after being inspired by something I saw on my Pinterest, I thought why not look back at some things I got up to this summer and remember how great they were?

Summer started with a trip to London with my friends Chris and Matt for a day trip to see the Alexander McQueen:Savage Beauty exhibition at the V&A Museum. We booked these tickets about a year before we actually went to see it so it was very exciting to finally get the chance to see his work up close and personal. I've admired Alexander McQueen for years and have a couple of his books showcasing his work. I was devastated when I found out about his death (didn't speak to my family for quite a while) and so I felt a little emotional when I saw some of my favourite pieces during the exhibition. What an amazing creator he was? If you head on over to my textile blog you can read the full review.

Next up, my birthday where I turned the grand old age of 23! Saying goodbye to being 22 wasn't something I wanted to do as 22 felt like a good age, it was an age I seemed to like. I had a lovely birthday full of treats with my favourite being a trip to the Dr. Martins store where my boyfriend let me chose any pair I wanted for my birthday gift. I was in there quite a while and tried on so many pairs but, after years and years of wanting a pair, I had to walk away with a pair I loved. If I could wear mine everyday I think I would, I adore them and can't wait to add another pair to my collection. I also went to the White Rabbit Teahouse for lunch and Edin's for a birthday dinner before going to see San Andreas (good but cheesy) and limping home in my DM's because I had a blister. Which wasn't a great thing to have because I had the Derby Ramathon the next day. Yes, I did a 13.1 mile marathon and thought I was going to pass out on the side of the road. It was tough and I suffered the entire afternoon that day from dehydration but I would definitely do another one ... I think! But at least I can say the first thing I did at 23 was run a half marathon hey?

Pride in London was the next event I went to with Chris, Matt, Alex and Chris for a day of fabulous fun and over heating underneath the London sun. I have never been to Pride before but after experiencing the incredible atmosphere that it brings to London I would definitely go again. Everywhere you go people are happy and everyone is dancing and drinking to music. It seems to be the ideal place to meet people from all over the UK and possibly the world and chat about things you have in common. Seeing Soho packed with people enjoying themselves immediately cheers you up and makes you feel good about yourself. And I can honestly say I have never ever seen London so busy before. Constant foot path block I ensure you!

A trip up to Scotland has to be a part of my summers now! This trip and last summers trip to Skye have been altogether a real blast of fun, laughter, mountain walks and sight seeing. I love going up there and exploring the different country walks and experiencing Glasgow with a glass of fizz. We all got together for the Wimbledon final which featured lots of fizz, tea, sandwiches, strawberries and scones. It was a lot of fun and I think I spent most of the day pretending to know what on earth was going on in the match (as I do every game and every year). Plus, who doesn't love drinking tea out of vintage teacups and saucers?

Whilst in Scotland, me and my boyfriend attempted to do some camping. We only did one night in the woods close to his house but I think that was certainly enough because we forget sleeping bags which meant it was freezing! I had very little sleep and when it hit 5am it was time to be defeated by the cold and head back through fields and mud for some much needed sleep and food. I felt like I had been out partying all night and just got in I was that tired. But it was a great laugh trying to light the fire, cook sausages (that fell in the fire) and chat about nonsense before I became slightly freaked out by the dark. I really enjoy camping and generally don't mind getting muddy so this is something I need to do again.

Back in Nottingham I went for a morning gym session with Jess which was followed by this amazing breakfast at The Pudding Pantry. I think we maybe went overboard with food excitement, but we did work hard for it and the taste of the food made it all worth while. I wish I could have a breakfast like this every morning. The morning ended up with us dreaming of our own cafe and what we would call it. Oh how I wish that could be possible.

Yes, I know I keep banging on about it but that Lush event was most certainly a highlight of my summer. My first blogger event was such an exciting, happy and beautifully smelly one. I still haven't used any of my products but already have a list in my head of the ones I must by from the new collection. It will be dangerous working quite close to a Lush store. I hope to get the chance to get more involved with blogger events after having a taste of this one.

And lastly, after going on and on and on at the beginning of this year about how much I wanted a picnic in the park on a tartan blanket I finally managed to squeeze one in. We went to the local park (Arboretum Park) near the University on a cloudy day with our Greggs and popcorn (fine cuisine I know) and sat there cloud watching. Only downside is I totally forget the tartan blanket so I will just have to try again next year.

Summer 2015 ended up being better than I imagined. Of course, I would love to have got a city break in there somewhere but thats a goal for next summer I hope. I am slightly looking forward to the Autumn/Winter nights but will miss the sunshine because I am one of those people that feels happy when the sun is shining ... I just don't like overheating!
One thing that isn't featured in the photographs  but is a huge and happy part of my summer is the arrival of my little nephew, William. I wanted to add this one but the photo I had wasn't a great one so thought best to just give him a mention. He has been a little poorly so myself and the rest of the family cannot wait for his return home so we can all play with him and spend time with him. I will certainly enjoy being this little guys friend!

What was your favourite moments of this summer?

- Speak soon, Lisa Jayne X

Let's Just Have A Chat

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Ok, if I am completely honest I haven't planned much for my blog this week so thought to myself "hey, why not just babble on about nonsense" because I am generally quite good at that. I am currently in the process of going from one job to another and not in a routine yet and with my sleep all over the place I am trying to relax when I have a spare moment so blogging has not been as on point. September is going to be hectic after all so need some me time when I can grab it! Not only that, I am trying to get used to the commute to Milton Keynes city centre where I am currently working and will be when the new store opens. I get really anxious with travel and like to waste 15-20 minutes of my time waiting for the bus when the stop is literally down the end of my road. Crazy? I know! I just worry so much I will miss it but I am pretty sure I will not being doing that when it begins to rain more. It is already getting a bit rainy and chilly so as soon as I can get my winter coat from my Autumn Wishlist the better. Plus, the gorgeous mustard colour will brighten up my commute.
I'm currently reading The Girl On The Train by Paula Hawkins. Yes, the girl on the bus is reading A Girl On The Train. But I am hooked! I cannot put it down and can't wait to get back on the bus to read some more. It is great to have a book like that after attempting to read Game of Thrones after being hooked on the TV series (I cannot wait for that to return to Sky Atlantic next year). I love that when I book draws you in so much you just want to be on that bus or train to get more in to it. I am very interested in the characters, the story and the way it is written. I want to know all the answers to my questions such as "who is she really?', "what did she do?" etc. I will do a full book review once I have read it so keep your eye out for that. If you can recommend any books that you have read recently feel free to let me know. I am quite tempted to read The Versions of Us by Laura Barnett at some point. Have you read it? Is it any good?
I am wanting to get in to a new TV series to watch on cosy nights in this Autumn. I would be in to Orange is the New Black if I had Netflix but I don't so it is Sky I have to select from. I always have music or YouTube videos on in the background when working or blogging but need to get hooked on something new. Any suggestions? I will probably end up repeating Game of Thrones at some point as I miss watching it. Of course I am really enjoying the new series of The Great British Bake Off on BBC1 and must plan a day to do some baking. I want to try making macaroons with the book I got about them, but it is just finding time right now to do so.
I've made plans to spend the Bank Holiday weekend with my two brilliantly funny friends from University and am very excited to see them and spend some quality time with them again. It is nice having them down the road again rather than miles away to keep me laughing.
Things on my to do list include: using my Lush products from the Lush Event I went to, getting more Lush / make up products, getting that red lipstick I am desperate for, buy new converses (the hole on my current pair is getting ridiculous), buy my new work wardrobe, start my little print project (must buy pinboard) and plan/write more blog posts.
I know once I am in a routine I will be more awake and energetic to do things but I feel very excited about the next few weeks and determined to get stuck in and make the most of things. I know I will have down days where plans may not happen, the weather and commute will get annoying or I feel like I have done a bad job at work, but I am only human and it happens to us all. It is all about drawing out the positives or having small things to look forward to like using those Lush products and then lighting some candles and watching a show, reading my book, blogging or seeing my friends. I am just trying to continuosuly aim on working on my goals and objectives that sometimes it can be slightly overwhelming and I don't know which one to handle first, that is where my lists and day to day lists come in handy by breaking everything down. I think lists are even better when in lovely stationary, don't you? One thing I am very much looking forward to is, of course, going to see The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part Two in Novemeber. I can't believe it is the final one already. I remember reading all the books in one summer and fell in love with the story and characters.
I have had some lovely feedback from new readers this week about how much they have enjoyed reading my blog and it means a lot to me that the stuff I write (and sometimes believe is good) people actually enjoy reading. I still have things I would love to change about the blog and need to get better at using my camera but it all comes with time. Whilst I am on the subject, I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all my readers and followers and to those who have encouraged me to start the blog. The feedback as been a real boost and makes me want to keep doing little things and going on adventures so I can write all about them on here.

What are you reading at the moment? Any TV you are watching that is nothing but brilliant?

- Speak soon, Lisa Jayne X

Homeware Wishlist

Saturday 22 August 2015

Now I am back home and have finally sorted through my room (I say finally but there is actually still a few things to get rid off) I am in need of adding some bits and bobs to make it more cosy ready for Autumn nights in with a good book. Yes, I have an exciting life!
Sorting out through my room started off with me going through old memories including letters, a lot of those Polaroid snaps you get of yourself and the topless Abercrombie Model outside their London store (I looked so afraid in all those pictures it was quite funny), exhibitions leaflets, theatre booklets, clothes and college work. I cannot believe some of the things I designed at college and thought they were actually good. It was a shame to get rid of it all but since leaving college I have never used any of it and it was time for it to go to make room for my University work which had been stacked in corner piles until now.
I have a lot less stuff and clutter about me now so I can spend more time in my room creating things and blogging. I have my little corner of textile/fashion books stacked up with my beloved Roberts radio on top and my mannequin covered in fabric swatches next to a huge box full of art materials and paper (I never knew I had do much paper in my life). But, who knew I had so many perfumes, beauty products, scarves and bags! Why do I hoard everything I get or own? Why am I not ruthless enough with my stuff? So, purchases should be made gradually!

I want to build a little photo frame gallery on one side of my room and this Scroll Landscape Frame and Hanging Frame from M&S would work great with the white, vintage like frames I already own that have pictures from Paris in them. On the other side near my pretend little studio I call a desk I will place the fashion illustrations that I had for my degree show kindly designed by my friend Chris. Note to self is to get a pin board to have inspiration in front of me for future projects and to make it a more creative place.
I love anything with my initial on it for some reason and this Alphabet L Scented Candle from M&S got me very excited when I saw it in store and it smells quite nice. And I do love a good candle so this is perfect.
I have gone through a lot of blankets in my time, they were my essential during the University winter months when you didn't want to put the heating on. This Soft Blanket form H&M is one I have been admiring for some time now so maybe this might be the first buy. It is super soft and a lovely cream that would work with this Arabella Print Set from M&S, which is very granny chic don't you think? Almost like having old curtains on your bed. I own a lot of cushions but some are starting to look old and I like to decorate beds with blankets and cushions so this Lady of the Manor Slogan Cushion was a great find from M&S again and adds a bit of humour to any room.
I want to join the cool gang of bloggers who have dishes and glass holders for all things jewellery and cotton buds and have seen a few little bits in H&M home back in Nottingham but haven't found anything that is right just yet. I'm a big fan of Urban Outfitters homeware so will be keeping my eye out for things on their website and, if I was rich enough, I am pretty sure I would have many things fro Zara Home as their printed bedspreads are gorgeous.

Whats on your homeware wish list this coming Autumn/Winter?

- Speak soon, Lisa Jayne X

Last Week In Nottingham

Tuesday 18 August 2015

It's quite tricky to actually remember my last week in Nottingham because it went so quickly and was a complete blur most of the time. I had a fantastic last week in Nottingham that started off with coffee at 200 Degrees with Jess for a catch up on our weekends. Wednesday saw my first blogger event for the product launch at Lush with Kassi (see previous post for all the details) and Thursday I spent most of the day with Kassi having lunch in Fox Cafe discussing life, Youtube and make up. We then spent a big chunk of time in the Cobden Chambers taking photos for our blogs (very awkward as neither of us are models and know a pose when we see one). I love the Chambers as it has unique boutiques selling jewellery, clothes and magazines. Plus, the walls are full of creativity and colour so was a perfect place to get some pictures for this blog and my textile blog. We also popped in to White Stuff and ended up having a nice cuppa Earl Grey, some cake and some fashion chats. 
The week started to tie up with me and my boyfriend doing some nice things and exploring parts of Nottingham we hadn't seen before. Walking up Trent River and then deciding to go "that way" was quite fun and along the way I got to snap some florals (I was very excited by the flower garden much to the amusement of my boyfriend). We also had a lovely breakfast at Bills and a picnic in the park with some added cloud watching and some more walking "that way". The week ended yesterday with tea and sandwiches at White Rabbit Teahouse and garlic bread/pizza overload at a restaurant we hadn't tried before called Wildwood. Thank you to my boyfriend and his parents for making my last few days in Nottingham so great. 
And now I am home! It has finally come to end my time at Fat Face and gear up to start my new adventure at Joules, which excites me but terrifies me at the same time. It will certainly be a crazy couple of weeks and an even crazier September for me. It is, for me, an overwhelming time and mixed emotions but I have some great times to look back on. So, thanks Nottingham! You've been great!

- Speak soon, Lisa Jayne X

Beauty // Lush Event

Friday 14 August 2015

Thanks to fellow blogger and friend Kassi I was invited to the Lush Nottingham Product Event on Wednesday. I've never been to an event like this before so didn't know what to expect, what to where or what to do. I just knew how to be excited for it!
I have been in to Lush for years, using their bath bombs and facial exfoliators, cleaners and moisturisers to keep my skin feeling fresh and smelling great. I floated away from Lush at the beginning of my University days as I swapped my skin care and stopped having baths (at University you realise you have to pay water bills so all baths go out the window). Now I am slowly getting back in to Lush again going to the event was a great chance for me to see what new products they have, what products can work for my sensitive skin and, overall, just learning what does what.
The staff in the Nottingham store were nothing but friendly and welcomed us in with huge smiles and seemed just as excited for the evening as we were. I have to say the teams product knowledge was outstanding and they knew so much about each product, how it works and couldn't be more helpful in recommending products for my skin/hair type.
The event was the chance to showcase some of the new 200 product ranges that were first introduced in the London's Oxford Street flagship store that opened in April. A selection of these new products are now to be rolled out in Lush shops worldwide from this month.

1. INTERGALATIC // Bath Bomb 
"...Watch as its space dust (popping candy) spins around your orbit transforming the bath in to a galaxy of clouds, whilst enjoying its aha velvet fragrance of grapefruit, cedar wood and peppermint".
It's glittery surface makes the water glitter in the deep blue hue making it look like space and you can hear the popping candy as it melts. The colour burst you get as it reacts with the water is amazing and its really is like watching some sort of colour galaxy before your eyes.

"Inspired by our ultra high definition film, this multi-layered, sweetly fragranced bomb creates an explosion of colour and texture that perfectly captures Lush's creativity". 
This is the bath bomb I decided to put in my goodie bag because I couldn't believe the crazy mix of vibrant colours in the water and how soft it made your skin feel. The smell is beautiful with Fair Trade vanilla and perfume. Its handy shape means you can easily split in two or just indulge in the whole bomb (and then buy another one).

3. YOGA BOMB // Bath Bomb
"If you long for calm and contemplation, drop this layered bomb in to your bath. As the mesmerising colours unfurl, woody olibanum and ho wood create an atmosphere of deep relaxation". 
Yoga bomb is definitely going on my wish list as I think this is the perfect bath bomb or those who are feeling anxious or stresses and need some relaxation time. It has quite a strong smell to it but I think it would be easy to get used to once you start relaxing. I love the colour of this one also and, like the other bombs, it is quite a big size so you can either split it in half or use it all at once for a longer bath.

4. PINK FLAMINGO // Reusable Bubble Bar
"The cocktail inspired bubble bar is scented in rosewood from our sustainable Peruvian distillery and ylang ylang. The macadamia nut oil with leave you with soft skin". 
It smells amazing and leaves your skin feeling so soft. Plus, it turns the water a pretty baby pink colour with a topping of bubbles. It's quite a fun little bubble bar and it great to split if you don't want to use it all in one go.

5. MILKLY BATH // Bubble Bar
"The fairly traded cocoa butter will leave you with the sorest skin and be uplifted with the scent of orange oil."
All you have to do is crumble this sweet looking bar under the water, which makes it look like frothy milk and leaves your skin feeler extra soft. I would personally say this bar leaves your skin feeling softer and has a nicer touch to it than the Pink Flamingo.

6. SALTED COCONUT // Hand Scrub
This gentle exfoliating scrub contains 50% sea salt, up-lifting lemon oil and extra virgin coconut oil leaves your hands feeling moisturised and awakened. I got to try this product and you only need a small amount to scrub away at your dry or wet hands (which ever you prefer) and lift all the dead skin away. Straight away I could not only see the difference but I could feel it as well and my hand felt very fresh and reinvigorated.

On one hand I had the above and on the other I had this soft hand mask. This little glittery hand contains argan oil, avocado oil, cupuacu butter and murumuru butter and as soon as applied in instantly begins to make your hand feel soft. Just melt the hand in hot water and stir until you create a paste that is cool enough to apply to the skin and leave for as long as you like. Due to it containing the butters it is a little tricky to get off but that is to be expected due to the consistency. After it was removed my hand immediately felt lighter which may sound strange but try it for yourself and see because it felt like my whole hand was relaxed.

8. LOVE AND LIGHT // Hand Cream
After we received the above two it was time to apply a moisturiser in the form of this hand cream that feels light and soothing and made with a delicate floral fragrance of orange flower and neroli. I'm quite wary of hand creams as my hands tend to be sensitive but that worked wonders and left my hands feeling soft and smelling nice for hours. Like the name suggest it is very light and doesn't feel greasy at all as we have probably all had those greasy creams before, am I right?

9. REFRESHER, 93, 000 MILES and NEEDLES + PINES// Shower Jellies
Shower jellies I hear you say? Well, yes Lush have "thought outside the bottle" and added a "little wibble wobble to your washes" with these new jellies. Simply chill it, freeze it or use it straight from the pot and rub all over for soft skin. I found these a little scary but may give these a go in the future as they really did make my hands soft and they smells are gorgeous.

These one made it in to my goodie back with I also had the options of Don't Rain On My Parade or Beautiful. I went for this one as it had lavender in it which is great for relaxation and naturally calms me down and leaves my skin feeling fresh (plus you smell great for hours afterward). I was also told that these double up as shampoos which is so handy if you're at he gym and don't want to fill your bag up with products. This definitely something I can invest in as I am always taking too much product to the gym.

List of New Lush Products - 
Bath Bombs
The Experimenter 
Yoga Bomb

Bubble Bars
Pink Flamingo 
Milky Bath
Granny Takes a Dip

Rub Rub Rub (Solid Body Scrub)
The Rough with the Smooth (Solid Body Scrub)
Yuzu and Cocoa (Shower Cream)
The Comforter (Shower Cream)
Refresher (Shower Jelly)
Beautiful (Shower Gel)

New Inventions
Life's a Beach (Body Scrub Powder)
Dreamwash (Roulade) 
Turkish Delight (Roulade)
Lush Mechanic (Cold Pressed Soap)
Lush Gardener (Cold Pressed Soap)
Lush Hippy (Cold Pressed Soap)
Damaged (Hot Oil Hair Treatment)
Kinky (Hot Oil Hair Treatment)
Tangled (Hot Oil Hair Treatment 

Solid Soaps
Layer Cake
Milky Bar 
Outback Mate
Respect Your Elders
Devil's Nightcap
Sea Salted Caramel

Face, Hands & Feet
Rosy Cheeks (Fresh Face Mask)
Don't Look At Me (Fresh Face Mask)
Cup O'Coffee (Face Mask)
Magical Moringa (Moisturiser)
Love and Light (Hand Cream)
Golden Handshake (Hand Mask)
Elbow Grease (Hand Cream)
Salted Coconut (Hand Scrub)
Pumice Power (Foot Soap)
Softy (Foot Cream)
Twinkle Toes (Foot Powder)
Pink Peppermint (Foot Cream)

Colour Supplements
Dark Brown 
Light Brown

A massive thank you to the Nottingham team for having me and thank you to Angel for her amazing brownies, cookies and cupcakes. You have restored my love in Lush!

All images are my own. Follow Lush @LushNottingham and Angel @norcaliangel

- Speak soon, Lisa Jayne X

Food // Places To Eat In Nottingham

Tuesday 11 August 2015

As I only have a few days left in Nottingham now I am trying to fit in going to all my favourite places in the city centre that I will miss when I move back home. From cake at White Rabbit to fish and chips at George's, Nottingham really has fed us well and most of the time we have been spoilt for choice (and probably ended up in Nandos which will never disappoint). We recently tried Five Guys which was, surprisingly, quite tasty. I was a bit unsure about giving this a shot because it seemed very expensive for "fast food" but in actual fact the food does not taste like your average fast food burger chains at all. For me Five Guys would be an every so often thing and I feel it can be a bit pricey but definitely worth a try if you haven't been yet.
All the places I have written about I will definitely miss as I they are based in Nottingham (and there is no Bills near me) but I guess it is a good reason to try and find not little places to hang out in and get excited over.

Getting on to the actual point, here is my SIX favourite places to eat in Nottingham - 

Ok so I know Bills is a chain but I have only ever been to the one in Nottingham and I love it. I'm a big fan of going out for breakfast and this is always my first choice because they have such a great variety and its very filling. I normally pick the things I would eat at home every day because they do it so much better than me but, on the next and last visit, I shall be going for something different.
I have tried dinner at Bills which was nice and still worth a try but I much prefer their breakfast menu and (sadly) didn't get round to having a try at the lunch menu.
What also attracts me to Bills is the interiors and the way they present their food. Everything is presented on lovely plates or wooden trays, with the tea coming in coloured tea pots with a tea cup and saucer. The wooden walls are urban with "Tumblr" lights hanging from them, chairs are a little miss-match and (my favourite thing of all) is flowers come in teapots for the exterior decoration. The place just makes me feel like a kid in a candy store I get that excited about going.
I recently visited Bills for breakfast with fellow blogger Kassie who was just as excited as me and ready with iPhone at hand to snap for an Instagram picture. 
Visit the Bills website to find a restaurant near you.

I've been to this beautifully decorated tea house a few times now and I just adore this place. It's like stepping in to a vintage, Alice in Wonderland inspired cafe. They sell delicious cakes and sandwiches, with tea coming in vintage tea pots and cakes served on vintage plates (which I need to buy). There are two here in Nottingham but I have only been to one of them (the one of Bridlesmith Walk) so it's a good excuse to check out the other one - just to make sure it is just as tasty! I could (and probably have) spend a good couple of hours there sipping my tea and eating my cake with a vintage cake fork, admiring the photos on the wall and the William Morris inspired wallpaper. If you fancy a tea afternoon with your friends this is the perfect place to go.
Visit the White Rabbit Teahouse website for more information.

3. 200 DEGREES 
"We are small batch coffee roasters based in the heart of Nottingham. We supply wholesale coffee, equipment & training to the nation. Sample us at the 200 Degrees Coffee Shop in Nottingham city centre".
I've only been to 200 Degrees twice (so far) and have never really been in to coffee that much, but since sipping away at a cappuccino after receiving a voucher I am hooked on theirs. I'm not lying when I say that their cappuccinos are the best I have ever had and is served so nicely. I'm raving about this place to anyone that will listen and, if ever you're in Nottingham and you need a good caffeine hit, then you have to try this place. 
Cosy and cool interiors is something I like in a cafe also and with wooden walls, round tablessquare tables, a fire place and a velvet row of seats at the back with low lighting this place gives that sense of urban coolness. I personally like how calm the place makes me feel. The first time I visited I sat at the back (the velvet seats drawing me in) with my cappuccino and felt so hidden from the world and just let time go by without too much of a care. Any cafe that can do that is a winner in my books. I will certainly miss this new favourite place of mine!
Visit the 200 Degrees website for more information and to find out about their Barista School. 

The interiors, the breakfast, the presentation and the service - tick, tick, tick! I went here recently post-gym with my friend Jess, who was equally excited about this place as I was so we decided to go all out for our breakfast date ordering pancakes, granola, croissants and cheese on toast (yes we ate a lot but we did earn it by working out unit we hurt). 
The quality of this food is quite hard to explain as it is just that great! Normally granola can taste quite sugary but theirs tasted great and the croissant and pancakes were so light and you'll never be able to make cheese on toast taste like theirs at home. It all tasted so well prepared and healthy. 
The presentation was to die for and by the end of our visit Jess and I had become so inspired on how to present food for our guests in our future grown up lives (and even wondered about opening up a cafe, which I would quite like to do if it could be reality). When I come up to visit Jess I definitely know where we'll be heading too!
Visit the Pudding Pantry website for more information. 

The first thing I can say about this place is how amazing and tasty their paninis are and, secondly, how kind their service is because they are so friendly and welcoming as soon as you come through the door. With a selection of tasty lunches and cakes this place is hard to resist when you want a good lunch. With an interior of knick-knacks and vintage signs it has a calming and relaxed vibe to the place. They serve a variety of hot and cold drinks but, with the weather being quite nice every time I have gone, they have me hooked on the Belvoir Pink Lemonade. They also serve macaroons sometimes which I aim to get my hands on before I leave. As many know me for my love of that French favourite. Also, they cater for gluten free if this suits you which is great as I haven't spotted anywhere in Nottingham who do gluten free menus thus far in my quest of cafe/restaurants. 
They don't have a website so visit their Twitter page

George's - a place with seaside huts to sit in, candy floss for pudding and the best Scottish fish you could get here in England. I've only been here a couple of times as it is quite pricey (for me) to go all the time but have never been disappointed. Firstly, the interiors are just amazing and very wow! Seagulls, beach huts, seaside rope, white tiles and more. I think I was on interior love overload when I first went. The fish and chips are very tasty and served seaside style with paper and a little chip fryer for the chips with mushy peas too if you like! The desserts are quite out there and I remember having the donuts and candy floss just to add something to our first experience of going. Their desserts are fun and humorous but also tasty and make a great food Instagram picture (as lets face it, that can be important sometimes). I couldn't recommend this place enough for a date night, celebration night or a treat night but make sure to book as they do get quite full. 
Visit the George's website for more information and to book a table.

Have you tried any of these? What was your favourite? Which one do you fancy trying?

Speak soon - LJ X

Fashion // Olive Clothing

Monday 10 August 2015

1. Large Pocket Dungaree Dress, Navy / £49
2. Roll Up Sleeve Stripe Jersey Dress, Black / £29
3. Summer Long Sleeve Knit Jumper, Khaki / £35
4. Stripe Summer Knit Jumper, Wine / £39
5. Leather Back Pack, Brown / £139
6. Half Moon Chain Bag, Grey / £40

I came across Olive Clothing on Facebook a few months back and have been drooling over their clothes ever since. Every time they post a new look I get so excited and try to imagine it in my wardrobe. Olive Clothing is a premium ladies wear brand that shock tops, dresses, skirt/shorts, bottoms, bags, watches, eyewear, scarfs and much more. Plus, they have a mens capsule line. They have their headquarters and a flagship store in Regency Cheltenham and is "conceived in collaboration with our network of independent designers, combine heritage with modernity, simplicity with playfulness, and street casual with elegance.".

I could have so many of their clothes if my budget allowed me to but I do have my eye on the dungaree dress as it is just simply amazing and something I have never owned before (I best start saving now). I would wear it with a stripey top like the stripe summer knit jumper (4), tights and my Doc Martins with a messy bun and red lipstick. The jumper and dress (2/3) are also favourites of mine that are great for everyday wear. And can we just talk about this back pack (5)! The colour, the style, the way it opens! I just love everything about it as I am quite the back pack fan.
They tend to use good quality fabrics such as cottons and leathers with a mix of polyester and acrylic so you'll know that the clothes will last and feel great when you wear them. I would love to save some money and go and visit the store because the interiors have a kind of vintage/urban twist and I love the pattern on the walls. 

What is your favourite piece of clothing from their ranges?

All images owned by Olive Clothing.

Speak soon, - Lisa Jayne x

Instagram Finds

Sunday 9 August 2015

Out of all the social media accounts I have, Instagram is by far my favourite. I could delete all other accounts and just keep this one and spend hours having photo envy. What filter do you use? What camera do you use? How are you so could at placing products and things? My Instagram is currently private and am not (at the moment) considering having an Instagram for this blog as it would mean I have three accounts to manage (including my personal and textile one). As much as I love wasting half an hour to edit my images I just couldn't handle a third account and the constant worry of not posting. But, I will be sharing my photos at some point so keep an eye out. I've been following a few new people recently and thought I would share them because, who knows, you may like them too. And, after looking through their photos, I think I may be looking for new cameras soon!

1. Poppy Deyes - @poppydeyes
So, if you're a bit of a YouTube fan like me, you'll know Poppy is Alfie Deyes' sister and occasionally features in Alfie's vlogs. Poppy has just launched her own website which I am a big fan of already and is a place where she shares her amazing photography. She is great with a camera and I definitely do have photo envy when it comes to her account (plus I love her coat and dungarees look).

2. Carrie Brighton - @carriebrighton
Carrie is a blogger I have recently started to follow and be inspired by. Her photography is amazing (I certainly wish I could take photos with my phone like she can) and I love what she post about on her blog and how she Instagrams little bits and bobs (including donuts and Starbucks). She writes about a range of things including make up, beauty, photography, life and adventures. 

3. Kate - @gh0stparties
Kate is beauty, interiors and lifestyle blogger and vlogger who I have recently stumbled across. She pulled me in to her account with her casual style, holiday scenery snaps and the way she places products for images. Not only that, she is also a girl who can rock a red lipstick, owns the best makeup brush collection and has a flat I could only dream of having. Got some spare time? Make sure to go and have a read. Her blog is so lovingly laid out and easy to read. Thanks for my new addiction Kate!

Speak soon - Lisa X

Fashion // Autumn Wishlist

7. Jumper / Collar Combo

So despite the lovely weather that seems to have popped up this weekend over Nottingham I am definitely in Autumn mode and thinking about what to wear this new season. I'm not a fan of summer! I hate being hot and I'm not in to wearing shorts and sandals. Autumn is a favourite for me as it means cosy new coats, new boots, leaves falling off the trees, colder mornings, early night reading sessions and more of an excuse to get a warm drink at Starbucks. I feel that because I have finished work and going back home I'm on some weird summer school-like holiday and need to start buying new coats, shoes and stationary.

I normally like to have an Autumn coat and a Winter one, but this year I've decided to just buy one coat as there aren't that many options I'm finding to fit what I am after. My Topshop winter coat is reaching its 6th year of use and so sadly it's time to buy a new one (such a shame isn't it?). This Joules coat (1) is a bright little number for Autumn and thick/waterproof enough for Winter too.
Shoes are not my thing but I do love a pair of Converses (or Vans) and with new holes cropping up each day in my current pair it's time to make a new purchase. I've always owned a white pair so think it's time for change and these All Star Oxford trainers (2) are spot on!
Moving in to a new job means new outfits and a chance to have a change of look, a more grown up style I guess. I love florals and have found a new love in stripes again which means this Joules jersey top with a floral yoke (3) is definitely on my work wear list. I will most certainly be wearing a lot of stripes and denim with my Doc Martins over the next few months (5) as its such an easy, "French" style but a laid down look that can be easily accessorised with jewellery and a red lipstick.
I already love rocking (or trying to rock) a messy bun and my Raybans, but I have grown a want-need-must have relationship with red lipsticks (6) and I have been drooling over Revlon's Colourburst Matte Balm in Audacious and Striking. I'm quite indecisive so haven't quite decided which one will make it in to my make-up bag but definitely know I will at some point attempt this look. 
If you read my textiles blog you'll know my colour crush at the moment is Marsala, a dark red/brown colour and is a must have on my nails. I never tend to wear bright colours on my nails that much and prefer darker shades so Essie's Bordeaux is the right shade for this look (4). As it gets a bit chillier on certain days I will attempt again this year to do the jumper-shirt collar combo (7). This Marsala colour is not only one I need for my nails, it is one I need for this jumper/shirt collar combo that I will again attempt this year on this chillier days. And, knowing how H&M are pushing out the 70's dark colour palette, I will probably end up picking one there.

What is your favourite from the list? And, what if on you Autumn Wishlist?

Speak soon - Lisa X

Saying Goodbyes & Making Changes

Friday 7 August 2015

"Don't look back, you're not going that way" - unknown

Both things in this title are things I am not necessarily good at or keen on but two things that I face a lot of over the next coming weeks. But, as sad as it all makes me, I'm feeling waves of excitement with the new challenges that are coming my way.
Firstly, I say goodbye to the amazing Fat Face crew who, over the last four months, have not only been my work colleagues but my friends. They fitted me in to the group as soon as I started and accepted my weirdness (with my name changing to Calamity Jane which seemed to suit me). Working with a bunch of incredibly funny people has done nothing for my bursts of laughing fits at inappropriate times but everything for my confidence. Being accepted in to a team that want nothing but the best for you and know how keen you are to progress is (for me) very rare. I wish I could have recorded a  lot of things that happened to watch back in times of need.
Secondly, the hardest and final goodbye will be to my boyfriend (the best guy I know) who is going on an incredible journey to Borneo for six months! I'm very proud and very, very excited for him. What an experience that will be?! I look forward to seeing all the great pictures and hearing about all the greater things he gets up to. Of course I will miss him a lot. I mean, who else is going to find my Aussie accent great, make me watch NASA documentaries and find my weirdness not that weird?! 
And thirdly, the making changes part. I move back home to live with my parents soon which is a nice feeling and an exciting one as I miss my family when I'm not with them. Plus, I have a cute new little nephew to look after. I'll also be nearer to my closest friends from school/Uni which means more chit chat, more Starbucks and more memorable cray moments. Whats more is I will be moving in to a new job as a supervisor for Joules which I am very very excited about and eager to get the ball rolling. It will mean a lot of progression for me in terms of my retail career and myself as a person as I face new situations in a new store and with new people.
Every experience I have gone through this year (from being made redundant to countless job interviews/rejections to getting my job at FF) has changed my thoughts and how I approach things which has been, if I am honest, really hard for me but overall a great thing as over time is has made me stronger. I like knowing what I am doing and where I am going and everything that has happened this year I never expected so its been a real eye opener and mixture of happy/sad, exciting/disappointing. But, that is what life is all about right? I'm not really a planner of life, I just have the little goals in my head and I thought I knew how to achieve and get them one by one, but I fell off the straight road and on to this one which has been harder than I imagined but fun at the same time. There have beens tears ... and then tears of laughter. If you know me personally, you'll know I love to laugh and that has certainly got me through a lot of moments. But the people I have had there for me along the way of helped me more than anything and I don't really know how I can thank them all personally but here is a massive THANK YOU for helping me, I really appreciate it. So, here's to new adventures and everything that comes along the way!