Saying Goodbyes & Making Changes

Friday 7 August 2015

"Don't look back, you're not going that way" - unknown

Both things in this title are things I am not necessarily good at or keen on but two things that I face a lot of over the next coming weeks. But, as sad as it all makes me, I'm feeling waves of excitement with the new challenges that are coming my way.
Firstly, I say goodbye to the amazing Fat Face crew who, over the last four months, have not only been my work colleagues but my friends. They fitted me in to the group as soon as I started and accepted my weirdness (with my name changing to Calamity Jane which seemed to suit me). Working with a bunch of incredibly funny people has done nothing for my bursts of laughing fits at inappropriate times but everything for my confidence. Being accepted in to a team that want nothing but the best for you and know how keen you are to progress is (for me) very rare. I wish I could have recorded a  lot of things that happened to watch back in times of need.
Secondly, the hardest and final goodbye will be to my boyfriend (the best guy I know) who is going on an incredible journey to Borneo for six months! I'm very proud and very, very excited for him. What an experience that will be?! I look forward to seeing all the great pictures and hearing about all the greater things he gets up to. Of course I will miss him a lot. I mean, who else is going to find my Aussie accent great, make me watch NASA documentaries and find my weirdness not that weird?! 
And thirdly, the making changes part. I move back home to live with my parents soon which is a nice feeling and an exciting one as I miss my family when I'm not with them. Plus, I have a cute new little nephew to look after. I'll also be nearer to my closest friends from school/Uni which means more chit chat, more Starbucks and more memorable cray moments. Whats more is I will be moving in to a new job as a supervisor for Joules which I am very very excited about and eager to get the ball rolling. It will mean a lot of progression for me in terms of my retail career and myself as a person as I face new situations in a new store and with new people.
Every experience I have gone through this year (from being made redundant to countless job interviews/rejections to getting my job at FF) has changed my thoughts and how I approach things which has been, if I am honest, really hard for me but overall a great thing as over time is has made me stronger. I like knowing what I am doing and where I am going and everything that has happened this year I never expected so its been a real eye opener and mixture of happy/sad, exciting/disappointing. But, that is what life is all about right? I'm not really a planner of life, I just have the little goals in my head and I thought I knew how to achieve and get them one by one, but I fell off the straight road and on to this one which has been harder than I imagined but fun at the same time. There have beens tears ... and then tears of laughter. If you know me personally, you'll know I love to laugh and that has certainly got me through a lot of moments. But the people I have had there for me along the way of helped me more than anything and I don't really know how I can thank them all personally but here is a massive THANK YOU for helping me, I really appreciate it. So, here's to new adventures and everything that comes along the way! 

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