Last Week In Nottingham

Tuesday 18 August 2015

It's quite tricky to actually remember my last week in Nottingham because it went so quickly and was a complete blur most of the time. I had a fantastic last week in Nottingham that started off with coffee at 200 Degrees with Jess for a catch up on our weekends. Wednesday saw my first blogger event for the product launch at Lush with Kassi (see previous post for all the details) and Thursday I spent most of the day with Kassi having lunch in Fox Cafe discussing life, Youtube and make up. We then spent a big chunk of time in the Cobden Chambers taking photos for our blogs (very awkward as neither of us are models and know a pose when we see one). I love the Chambers as it has unique boutiques selling jewellery, clothes and magazines. Plus, the walls are full of creativity and colour so was a perfect place to get some pictures for this blog and my textile blog. We also popped in to White Stuff and ended up having a nice cuppa Earl Grey, some cake and some fashion chats. 
The week started to tie up with me and my boyfriend doing some nice things and exploring parts of Nottingham we hadn't seen before. Walking up Trent River and then deciding to go "that way" was quite fun and along the way I got to snap some florals (I was very excited by the flower garden much to the amusement of my boyfriend). We also had a lovely breakfast at Bills and a picnic in the park with some added cloud watching and some more walking "that way". The week ended yesterday with tea and sandwiches at White Rabbit Teahouse and garlic bread/pizza overload at a restaurant we hadn't tried before called Wildwood. Thank you to my boyfriend and his parents for making my last few days in Nottingham so great. 
And now I am home! It has finally come to end my time at Fat Face and gear up to start my new adventure at Joules, which excites me but terrifies me at the same time. It will certainly be a crazy couple of weeks and an even crazier September for me. It is, for me, an overwhelming time and mixed emotions but I have some great times to look back on. So, thanks Nottingham! You've been great!

- Speak soon, Lisa Jayne X

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