Six Things Sunday

Sunday 20 September 2015

This week as been hectic to say the least, Monday feels like two weeks ago rather than just a few days. I decided to work from my bed with endless cups of tea yesterday morning to read up on blogs, emails and write up on my own blog before heading off for a lunch date with myself. I still haven't had time to fit in a run or a swim this week but with the endless running around I've been doing I am pretty much using up all my energy which, shamefully, has ended up with me falling asleep in train station waiting rooms and crawling in to bed at night ready for another early start. I have a ton of things on my to do list this week including needing to do blog photography for posts, write up posts, freelancing, answer emails, find a new blog layout and book train tickets for next week. I'm just so important! 
There was no post on Friday because I didn't have the time to write one and generally just had nothing to write about. I felt the pressure to find something to post but it would have been a "nothing" post so decided to just leave it and focus on arranging todays one for you. I have lots of little things over the coming weeks I want to post about from beauty, food/drink and maybe more fashion, alongside (hopefully) the refreshing look of the blog. So, again, bare with me because I am still learning and getting myself in to a routine. Where is the time going? Why are the days going so fast? But here are my little positive things that happened or I enjoyed this week. What did you get up to this week?

Since Jess Gylnne came on to the scene I have really grown to like her music and Jess herself. Every song of hers I have listened to I've quite liked, especially "Don't Be So Hard On Yourself" as its a song I can slightly connect with because of the lyrics. I was thinking how I would like to go and see her on tour when my friends, Chris and Matt, said they were going to get tickets and would I like to come as I mentioned going to see her to them. Of course I said yes and now we have the excitement of looking forward to seeing Jess next February at the O2 Academy in Brixton. I am listening to her album "I Cry When I Laugh" a lot at the moment and its such an upbeat, well written album that I'm really enjoying. Are you a fan of hers yourself?

I used to be terrified of meeting new people but when at University you meet new people all the time and I've grown to like meeting new people and getting to know some of them really well and slowly become friends. My new job means lots of training and working with people I have never met before but will work with a lot in the coming months. It's been nice to meet all these new people and quickly make friends, have some laugh out loud moments and work in strong teams to get work done and learn new things. It's always nice when you met certain people and get on well instantly and can bounce of each other. The people I've met have been really friendly, funny and supportive and I'm looking forward to meeting more new people soon as it is constantly happening at the moment. 

Me and my Mum attempted to bake a cake this week and lets just say Paul Hollywood and Mary Berry probably won't be making us Star Bakers! My mum dug out her copy of Great British Bake Off: Big Book of Baking, which made me want to bake so much I could've opened up my own bakery. I like to follow the book and my mum likes to just through it all in, so together we worked as a team to make the kitchen a mess and act like we were actually on the bake off by trying to be all technical with not getting in too many air bubbles in the mixture and making it all look pretty. Best bit of baking is, of course, licking the bowl because even though you shouldn't it still taste amazing (sometimes more amazing than the actual bake). I think we did ourselves proud with it, maybe it didn't look so much like it did in the book but it did taste pretty great with a nice cup of tea.

Like I mentioned, it has been quite a hectic week with training and working in a warehouse for the last couple of days. I feel like I have done a full body workout at the gym and not slept for ages. As much as I love having a busy life balancing two jobs and a blog, it is always nice every so often to have that bit of time to pamper yourself and have some breathing time. To stay afloat and not feel so suffocated by life I think it is needed and I do feel guilty if I sit down early one night to read my book or a magazine rather than do work, but with a crazy couple of weeks coming up I am trying to make time for these little "me" moments when I can to stay calm and collected.
I decided to book myself in for a hair cut, get an early night with a hot chocolate and do my nails whilst watching some Gogglebox and XFactor this weekend. It was so nice to finally get a haircut with my old hairdresser, she is the only person who knows how to cut my hair and she always makes me feel and look better. Plus, she lets me talk about Kate Middleton as much as I like (I'm a big fan!). I'm still considering dying my hair, which I have been considering for the entire year now, so maybe next time I will get it dyed and chopped!

I've never had a lot of confidence with make up and I generally don't know what I am doing. I know the basics and just roll with it, even if I am not doing it right. When I used to glam up for a night out using my Naked or Dior eye shadow palettes I did worry I looked like a clown because I suck at actually using them so have tried to use them a bit more this week. I have watched countless YouTube tutorials but life didn't bring me gifts in applying make up. My friend Ruth is a genius with make up so I think I need to hire her as my make up assistant. 
I've realised this week that yes, well done me for trying to experiment, but I actually don't like the things I've tried because it doesn't suit me and its "not me" if you get my drift. Maybe I am doing it wrong, I don't know, but I definitely prefer to just keep my make up simple and jazz it up with a lipstick rather than eye shadow. It is lovely to have these gorgeous eye shadow palettes, but I definitely think I am a lipstick girl at heart as I generally know better what suits me and have more confidence to were a bolder colour. Plus, lipstick excites me more! What is your make up go to?

I want to shout to the world my excitement about the fact that my favourite female artist, Ellie Goulding, is FINALLY releasing a new album in November. For two years now I have listened non stop to Halycon Days and seen her live twice.
I have been waiting very patiently for a new album which, in turn, means a new tour and results in my dying desire to must, have, need tickets! Ellie's Haylcon Days album got me through so many ups and downs, it was that one album that sometimes I just had to listen to to get me through a moment or make me feel better so I love the album a lot. To see her tour that album twice in a smaller and arena venue was an incredible experience because my goodness she can put on a show! The new album, Delerium, comes out at the beginning of November so I definitely know what some of my pay check will be going on and, of course, I will go all out and get the deluxe version. I know some people who don't particularly like her music, but anyone who knows me gets how much I love Ellie, not only for her music but her style (the hair is just perfection) and her strong, motivated and cool personality. I am very very excited for this album!

- Speak soon, Lisa Jayne X


  1. It definitely looks like you've had your plate full! The weekend is such a good time to just relax and unwind.

    What color are you thinking of dying your hair? It's such a fun experience, and it can really change your look!

    I think I'm the same as you, lipstick is a lot easier to figure out, and it takes a lot less time too! I love wearing a dark berry shade, especially as fall is coming in .

    Angelina Is | Bloglovin'

    1. Oh I have recently Angelina, work won't die down for a good few weeks but I love being busy. I work shift work so I know some weekends I will be working, so I grab some chill time when I can.

      I'm thinking of a chocolate brown, something along the lines of the Duchess of Cambridge (I am a huge fan on hers) or Emilia Clarke (again, huge fan). I've just had it cut so I just need to be brave and colour it now!

      Oh definitely, it is so much quicker in the mornings and there are so many shades and brands I naturally get excited by lipstick. I think I always have! A dark berry shade would be amazing, I have a colour like that and haven't been brave enough to wear it for months and months and in the daytime.

      Love your blog by the way, I will make sure I follow to keep up to date with posts! Thanks for commenting! :D
